Coach Reeve,
You are an amazing woman! I learned so much from you! Thank you for putting me on your team and teaching me many lessons about life and volleyball! You are an inspiring woman and deserve the best retirement ever!
My story of Ricks College Volleyball was a crazy one! I tried out for the team right out of high school and did not make it. But, I ended up at Ricks College for school anyway. I finished my Associate’s degree there, including many credits from Coach Reeve’s volleyball and wallyball classes. The week that I was to graduate from Ricks and move on, Coach Reeve asked me if I would stay and play with the 2001 team, the LAST Ricks College Volleyball Team. I was a little shocked, but was able to rearrange my transfer plans to stay for one more semester. That was a great choice for my life! Thank you for believing in me Coach!
We had many laughs and many tears with Coach Reeve. One of my greatest memories of Ricks Volleyball was being able to tour Nauvoo and Carthage Jail. There, I had some humbling spiritual experiences! In addition, as a team, we had a “great” jog along the Mississippi River in Nauvoo. We ended up taking a wrong turn and jogging WAY longer than we were supposed to.
In Ricks College Volleyball’s final year, we were able to help Coach Reeve reach 900 wins. We were so excited for her! Way to go Coachie!!
I now teach school and coach volleyball and softball. I teared up when one of my players, one year, called me “Coachie.” What an honor, and a lot to live up to! I put lessons from Coach Reeve to use all the time. Yet, I sometimes wish I had all her enthusiasm for teaching the skills of volleyball! She always put so much heart into everything she taught us. I went to her camps when I was young and I can still hear her one of a kind voice, “Come on little one!” I love that I see Coach around from time to time! I love hearing her voice, with all its sincerity, asking me how I am and how life is.
My husband James and I have been happily married for 9 years now. One of my most treasured wedding gifts is a picture of Christ that Coachie gave us.
I love you Coach! You are the best! Happy Retirement!!
Mandy (Sutton) Munns
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